Talk About The Reasons Why It Is Important To Consider This Problem As An Opportunity.

Talk about the reasons why it is important to consider this problem as an opportunity.


Success could be an easy win without having faced hindrances or any challenges; yet it could also be less worthy. People as rational being found life boring without challenges. Life is more colorful with every problem that arise, and conquering such problems makes success more meaningful. Here are some reasons why it is important to consider problems as an opportunity:

- Problems are counterpart to living/existing; it is inevitable, therefore one should better embrace it and learn from it instead;

- Facing the challenge strengthen ones fighting spirit and enable strong will to always find ways to overcome every problem that may come along;

- Every problem has taught us life lessons and wisdom;

- There is always advantages and disadvantages in every situation, one just have to look at the bright side of every situation


Being a transferee in the first day of classes is such a great challenge for any student. You may feel deserted and alone in one corner of the room, and may feel shy and intimidated to mingle with the other students, but you must have to make friends with them. By doing so, you unknowingly overcome your shyness, plus you have gained new friends.  

Another thing is you still have to establish yourself, build an image to your teachers to prove your skills and capabilities. It might be difficult at first but as time goes by, you will never notice that you have push yourself to the limit, overcome challenging situations which you find hard to do before, and succeed to be a better version of yourself.  


For more information about the reasons on considering problems as an opportunity, refer to the following links:


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